"I swear to God, if Lionel Messi is better player than Audu Zidane may Allah stop me from taking a single step. Infact, may Allah punish me with hellfire".

 Unguwar talakawa is a street in Gundumar chikaji  Zaria, kaduna state. Youths living in this ward are popular in terms of arguments, disagreements and can't be convinced no more how strong your reasons are.

Haidar Xavi is a young player who grew up in the same ward and is good at the above. One day their attacker,  Audu Zidane scored four unbelievable goals during a match. Indeed at post match assembly, Haidar Xavi uttered a word comparing Audu Zidane with Argentine attacker Lionel Messi, swearing by God that Messi is not a better player than him.

On the side, Musa Ramos started another argument as a gorgeous young lady passing by their side wearing black hijab and walking like a beautiful peacock. He said "wow, she's beautiful, see as her white hijab corresponds to her white shoes". At this point his friends opposed him with their head over the heels saying, we witnessed a black hijab. Unfortunately, Musa Ramos was not moved and stuck to his words. His friends tired of arguing for a moment asked him what his reason was? He answered "well, hijab is made up of cotton. Cotton is a white in color, which makes the hijab white also". Is Ramos right in his theory of the color of the hijab or it's just another chance to argue?


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